Synthesis of Nezhaether Based on (η5-Cyclopentadienyl)thallium


  • 永嘉 杨 中国人民大学化学系
  • Xu Yan
  • Junyu Nie


Nezhaether,, alkane hydrate, asymmetric coupling, hydroxylation, asymmetric ether


 Due to the structure of cyclohexane, cyclopentane and ether bond, Nezhaether can theoretically form alkane hydrate through hydrogen bond and intermolecular force, which has broad application prospect in seawater desalination, oil and gas storage and transportation, petrochemical industry and other fields. We designed a synthetic route based on (η5-Cyclopentadienyl)thallium, including bromine substitution, asymmetric coupling of Grignard reagent, hydroxylation catalyzed by polysulfone microcapsule osmium tetroxide and synthesis of asymmetric ether.


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The head of Nezhaether is a six-membered ring, bigger than the body, which is a five-membered ring, like a child. The "oxygen" of the ether bond in the molecule resembles Nezha's Qiankun hoop and Wind Fire Wheels, hence the name.



How to Cite

杨永., Yan 旭., & Nie 骏. (2022). Synthesis of Nezhaether Based on (η5-Cyclopentadienyl)thallium. Molecular Design, 1(1), 9–11. Retrieved from


